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Visual definitions editor for Doctrine ORM

Innovative approach to Doctrine ORM definition files

Writing Doctrine definitions manually is a really time consuming task, isn't it? But there is much more effective way how to work with Doctrine ORM framework.

ORM Designer brings a revolutionary approach to Doctrine definitions work flow. Create graphic model of your application in ORM Designer's intuitive GUI and then just export the definition files. Besides the huge time savings (up to 70%) you get many other benefits for your Doctrine ORM project.

All key features and benefits for Doctrine ORM are summarized in the following tables.

Key features and benefits

  • Repetitive export of definition files
    Work on model continuously and export files whenever needed.
  • Import your older project
    Import definition files and let ORM Designer to visualize project model. Helpful feature for older projects and for a quick start.
  • Documentation kept up-to-date
    Keep your project documentation updated. No matter how many changes you do, model always corresponds to definition files.
  • Avoid typos and errors
    Definitions export is fully automatic, so there's no space for typos and errors. No more bugs searching!
  • Native support for major operating systems
    ORM Designer natively supports Windows, Mac OS and Linux.
  • Save your time and money
    Calculate your Return on Investment and check the Case studies to see if it is worth to buy.

Doctrine support in ORM Designer

  • Export of Doctrine definition files
    Export Doctrine definitions right from your visual model. Don't waste your time writing text definitions manually.
  • Import the Doctrine project and start easily
    From imported Doctrine definitions ORM Designer visualizes a graphical model. All changes done in the model are transmitted to definition files during export.
  • Doctrine file formats supported by ORM Designer
    You can export your project to standard Doctrine YML format.
  • Supported Doctrine features
    All Doctrine ORM features, techniques and schema formats are fully supported.
  • Unlimited size of Doctrine project
    ORM Designer saves a lot of time during simple schema modelling as well as when working with large project with many plugins.

Doctrine definitions import and export

Start can't be easier! With built-in wizard you simply import your Doctrine project and ORM Designer creates the graphical schema. Your Doctrine model is automatically arranged and divided into modules. When you're done with changes, just export the definition files by a single click.

Basic model designing

New Doctrine model can be created by inserting modules and entities and connecting them with associations or inheritances. Next step is to configure ORM Properties for each model object (entite, association,...) in sophisticated ORM Property Editor and you are done.

Navigation through the model

Another great feature of ORM Designer is a project tree. Thanks to its full-text searching ability the project tree replaces searching for specific entity (or other model object) of your schema. So with this feature you can really quickly explore your model.

Doctrine Behaviors support

All behaviors available in Doctrine ORM are supported by ORM Designer. No more writing large amount of definitions! Just choose the behavior from a list and fill required properties. You can also configure nested behaviors, insert multiple behaviors and sort them. With ORM Designer all Doctrine behaviors are created in a few minutes.

Associations (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many)

For a simple Doctrine associations defining there is a special wizard for one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many associations. It helps you to select owner and inverse entity, MN entity or to specify and choose correct aliases. All can be done in easy GUI way.


Inheritance is another complex feature of Doctrine ORM. ORM Designer's wizard simplifies this task as well. You are guided through inheritance creating. With ORM Designer, Doctrine inheritance won't be confusing for you anymore.


Indexes are very simple feature. But ORM Designer can simplify them even more. With built-in editor you can quickly define indexes for your entities.

Supported formats for Doctrine ORM

Standard Doctrine YML (YAML) format is supported by ORM Designer. You can import and export your Doctrine project in this file format.

External tools

Common external tools can be simple defined to run directly from ORM Designer. Just enter its executable-path, arguments and default path.

MVC Frameworks

Doctrine ORM can be used with any existing MVC Framework.

In ORM Designer, there is an explicit support for the two most used MVC Frameworks: Symfony (and Symfony2) and Zend Framework (and Zend2). Nevertheless, using of any other MVC framework in ORM Designer is simple too, during new project configuration just choose "Without MVC".

ORM Designer customization

As said above, all available features of Doctrine ORM is supported by ORM Designer. However, in some case you may need to customize something. Well, it is possible.

In ORM Designer you can very simply extend or customize existing configurations by defining the own datatypes, custom properties, adding new behaviors or changing existing properties. More details you can find in the article about customization.

Try ORM Designer now!

If you want to try ORM Designer, download our 14-day trial version with no limitation in functions. No commitment arises from testing.


Detailed list of supported Doctrine ORM features

ORM Designer model properties

Object Property
Project Name, Storage path, Description
Module Name, Description, External plugin storage, Export path and format
Entity Name, Description
Field Name, Type, Size, Required, Unique, Primary key, Auto increment, Default value, Enum values, Description
Association Owner/Inverse entity, Reference fields, Owner/Inverse alias, Association Type (one-to-one, one-to-many), Parent requirement, Description
Many to Many MN Entity, Owner/Inverse Entity, Reference Fields, Owner/Inverse Alias, Description
Inheritance Base/Derived Entity, Inheritance Type, Discriminator Value/Field, Description
Index Name, Unique, Indexed Fields, Description

Doctrine ORM model properties

Object Property
Project -
Module actAs (behaviors), options (charset, collate, type), connection, detect_relations,entity_prefix
Entity actAs (behaviors), tableName,attributes (export), options (charset, collate, type)
Field scale, email, notblank ,nospace, past, future, minlength, country, ip, htmlcolor, range, regexp, creditcard, date, readonly , unsigned , usstate, fixed, collation
Association onDelete, onUpdate, orderBy, side-owning(type, cascade), side-inverse (type, casdcade)
Many to Many onDelete, onUpdate
Inheritance -
Index type, index-field (sorting, length)

Doctrine ORM behaviors support

  • Versionable
  • Timestampable
  • Sluggable
  • I18n
  • NestedSet
  • Searchable
  • Geographical
  • SoftDelete
  • EventLoggable
  • GoogleI18n
  • Sortable
  • Blameable
  • Taggable

Doctrine ORM datatypes support

  • boolean
  • integer
  • float
  • decimal
  • string
  • array
  • object
  • blob
  • clob
  • timestamp
  • date
  • time
  • enum
  • gzip

Doctrine ORM inheritance support

  • Simple
  • Concrete
  • Column Aggregation

Doctrine ORM associations support

  • One to One (one-to-one)
  • One to many (one-to-many)
  • Many to one (many-to-one)
  • Many to many (many-to-many)

Doctrine ORM model import / export formats

  • YAML (YML) definitions